Tuesday 12 April 2011

The miBa, Barcelona’s “Museum of Ideas and Inventions” opened its doors

The miBa emerges as the inevitable next step for Pep Torres, the Spanish founder of Stereo-noise, a creative laboratory based in his Barcelona hometown where the museum will be located. Present in last year’s Time Magazine’s 50 best investors ranking, Pep Torres describes himself as a professional inventor, media personality and now museum director. 

Although he privately invested 250,000 euros in the 600-sqm museum located at 7 Calle Ciutat at the heart of Barcelona’s Gothic district, it is not designed to be “an ego museum”, said Torres to the Art Newspaper, but rather “aims to awaken visitors’ creativity and inspire them to bring their ideas to life. It will not be a museum of science or history of design but something that doesn’t exist yet in this world” he continued. 

A permanent collection of objects designed by him and other worldwide inventors will be complemented by temporary exhibitions and a series of original conferences and training courses to stimulate visitors to think and experience creativity.

“If this works well, the format could be repeated in other cities around the world. I am already thinking about miLo: the Museum of Ideas and Inventions in London.” added Torres ambitiously.