Wednesday 1 June 2011

formula 1 racing car

formula 1 racing car. Formula One race car bed
  • Formula One race car bed

  • iJohnHenry
    Apr 5, 03:15 PM
    The real problem here is that not enough women are standing in front of their mirrors after dressing and asking themselves "if I get raped wearing this, will I be blamed?"

    Look out, here they come!!!

    If I wear a nice business suit, am I to blame when I get mugged?

    If you are on your iPhone 4, and have a MacAir in your bag, yes. :p

    formula 1 racing car. formula 1 racing cars.
  • formula 1 racing cars.

  • Reeves
    Feb 11, 09:59 AM
    Never Mind I Fixed It!

    formula 1 racing car. Honda Racing Formula One Car
  • Honda Racing Formula One Car

  • Metatron
    Sep 27, 10:42 AM


    ***waving back***and loading my potato gun :D

    I am not saying that there are no young men with out the ability to make wise choices. Wise choices are the foundation to wisdom. What I am saying is that you wont know how wise they are until you look back at them years down the road (usually). So I know it is kindof a contridiction. But I'm saying that it might not seem like a mistake now, but you might view it as one later down the road.

    Plus the wisdom of men ends where his hormones begins.

    formula 1 racing car. F1 - Formula-1 racing trim
  • F1 - Formula-1 racing trim

  • Trishul
    Nov 1, 07:16 AM
    How about this one? :D

    got my sister to do a real world test of prady16's iPod Shuffle hair clip theory, she says it could actually work as a hair clip/mp3 player :D

    Btw, she's already stolen it from me, and is trying it on with various clothing options.


    formula 1 racing car. formula 1 racing car pictures.
  • formula 1 racing car pictures.

  • iKwick7
    Nov 1, 07:53 PM
    Camera phone, bad quality- but the picture says it all. :)

    formula 1 racing car. Bull Racing Formula 1 car
  • Bull Racing Formula 1 car

  • Platform
    Oct 7, 01:19 AM
    Great, Safari needed new features, and it needs even more :D


    formula 1 racing car. This Ferrari Formula One race
  • This Ferrari Formula One race

  • Detlev
    Jan 10, 03:13 PM
    OK, I've been thinking about this event now for a day. I noticed two what I would consider Steve faux pas. The first being Mr. Jobs brought up the one thing I have been hoping and begging for since the beginning of iTunes and the iTunes store: the Beetles. Why on earth other than "Hey, I like them" would he bring up an artist, in this case a group, that is not even available in the store? Was it a test? Was he hoping to hear a reaction from the audience that would push Sir Paul over the edge and join the throngs of iTunes lovers? Give me a break! The fourth largest music retailer should be able to pull in any band. Fact is, those of us who love them are getting older and the new generation thinks they are six legged arthropods.

    Along the same lines was the Paramount introduction. Vague to say the least. Now, in the background were titles like the Italian Job (both of them), Paycheck, and K-19. They are not to be seen on the store. Sure, Thursdays seem to be the day of updates for the movies but Steve said they were updating right as he was giving the keynote. Another slip?

    Rating: 7/10

    formula 1 racing car. transpixel, formula 1 race car
  • transpixel, formula 1 race car

  • MacShadow
    Aug 5, 12:22 PM
    Only on a mac could I make something so difficult so easy. All audio and effects using my Mac.


    formula 1 racing car. 2009 Renault Formula 1 car
  • 2009 Renault Formula 1 car

  • Squonk
    Oct 31, 01:43 PM
    4 years ago I hiked the Camino de Santiago, an old pilgrimage route that goes across Spain (850 km)

    I had a diskman at the time and used for about 5 minutes during the walk.

    I found that it ruined the whole experience.

    sometimes the best music is absolute silence

    For hiking, I agree.
    As for running, I gotta have my tunes...

    formula 1 racing car. Formula One race car for team
  • Formula One race car for team

  • dmr727
    Jan 21, 11:44 AM
    Here's the deal. You need to understand how gas burning really works. You also are not at liberty to speak on what is or is not possible on that trip without actually having driven it - as I have.

    He doesn't need to actually drive that trip to be skeptical of your claim of a thousand miles on a tank of gas. Frankly, I'm skeptical of it too.

    The web is replete with stories of non-hybrid Altimas pushing 450+ miles.

    Okay, but you're claiming double that. Not 10% more or 20% more - double.


    formula 1 racing car. Formula 1 Racing Car Red and
  • Formula 1 Racing Car Red and

  • tunerX
    Jul 25, 06:27 PM

    formula 1 racing car. Formula 1 Racing Poster:
  • Formula 1 Racing Poster:

  • dime21
    May 5, 11:07 AM
    BTW, if you guys haven't read Marc Thiessen's Courting Disaster, pick it up. He explains that waterboarding was not used to get answers to questions or confessions, but rather to break their will and spirit and get them to agree to start cooperating.

    The first big fish they got after 9/11, Abu Zubaida (also in a stellar takedown op), told his CIA interrogators that AQ were trained to resist only as long as they personally could and, once they had reached their personal breaking point, they were free to sing like canaries with a clear conscience. The reasoning behind this was that Allah would always be victorious, so they'd not be compromising the larger mission and would have done their religious duty by offering as much resistance as they could.

    Once the CIA knew this, the enhanced interrogation techniques were personalized to let each detainee know that it would never stop until they agreed to cooperate and things would get better as soon as they did. KSM was the toughest one of the bunch and, when he reached his breaking point, he asked for a pad and paper and was willing to write down everything they needed.


    formula 1 racing car. Honda Racing Formula One Car
  • Honda Racing Formula One Car

  • jamespa66
    Oct 12, 12:19 PM
    Against what I originally said I shelled out another $3 and bought the update. Was it worth the $3? no not really. Lost the themes. As others have said the UI is over designed and not completely functional. I have noticed some missing tweets, this is NOT acceptable.

    formula 1 racing car. Formula 1 RC Race Car - Deluxe
  • Formula 1 RC Race Car - Deluxe

  • Mr.Jonh
    May 4, 07:52 AM
    I just found a few links more to this thread.


    formula 1 racing car. Ferrari Formula One driver
  • Ferrari Formula One driver

  • AWallen90
    May 2, 12:19 PM
    Yes, System Preferences > Security > General > Disable Automatic Login

    Thank you r.j.s I was wondering the same thing.

    formula 1 racing car. formula 1 racing car pictures.
  • formula 1 racing car pictures.

  • Chase R
    Apr 1, 02:04 AM
    Same as before:

    • For large images use [tIMG] rather than [IMG]
    • Use attachments when necessary so images don't disappear when they are removed from their source
    • When possible, include links to the full-sized original so others can download them. If you don't want to share, state that in your posts so others don't continue to ask for links.
    • When quoting a post with images, leave the image out, or make sure you [tIMG] to reduce clutter.




    formula 1 racing car. formula 1 racing car pictures.
  • formula 1 racing car pictures.

  • chrono1081
    Dec 26, 01:14 AM
    Here was wat santa bought me today!!

    1. iTunes Vouchers from Mum / Grand Parents
    2. Skin for the iPad
    3. R2 D2 Thumb drive
    4. Usual Socks / Jocks / Deodorants
    5. New Kettle to replace my dead one.

    Great lunch with the family!

    I was all sad until I saw you wrote "kettle" not "kitty"

    formula 1 racing car. GH2 Formula 1 racing car.
  • GH2 Formula 1 racing car.

  • iStudentUK
    Mar 21, 04:43 AM
    I am saying that the present UK tariff of 16 years minimum provides adequate protection for the public, and is not an attractive alternative to liberty.

    I agree, as I said a family member works for the Probation Service and I am studying law now and it has completely changed my perspective of crime/criminals.

    It is such a shame that the media/tabloids still thinks all criminals are inherently evil and spreads rubbish and incorrect headlines like "Europe says rapists must have vote" (prisoners votes recently).

    Anyway, life sentance guidlines were reviewed in 2003 and they are currently as follows-

    Whole life - two or more people killed and-
    a substantial degree of premeditation or planning,
    the abduction of the victim, or
    sexual or sadistic conduct,
    the murder of a child if involving the abduction of the child or sexual or sadistic motivation,
    a murder done for the purpose of advancing a political, religious or ideological cause, or
    a murder by an offender previously convicted of murder

    30 year minimum - where the offence involves-
    the murder of a police officer or prison officer in the course of his duty,
    a murder involving the use of a firearm or explosive,
    a murder done for gain (in furtherance of robbery or burglary...),
    a murder intended to obstruct or interfere with the course of justice,
    a murder involving sexual or sadistic conduct,
    the murder of two or more persons,
    a murder that is racially or religiously aggravated or aggravated by sexual orientation, or

    15 year minimum - applies to any murder not covered by another category

    12 year minimum - applies to any murder committed by someone under the age of 18 (EDITED)

    These are guidelines, but Judges must justify deviating from them.

    Remember, these are minimum terms, all murders get a life sentence. It doesn't mean people will be released after the minimum term. As I said above, most murders in the UK did not intend to kill someone, that is not necessary for conviction here, only intent to cause GBH.

    I'm very happy with UK sentencing. Good balance between punishment and public protection. The homicide rate in the UK is very low!

    formula 1 racing car. Formula One merchandise has
  • Formula One merchandise has

  • TB-303
    Mar 23, 09:59 AM
    Doesn�t Bertrand Serlet look a lot like Data? (


    Mar 16, 06:35 PM
    Good news everyone!!! You guys remember the connecticut home invasion where Dr. William Petit, his two daughters and wife were brutally attacked in their home, and the daughters and wife were tortured, raped and murdered? Well, the trial for the second suspect is going on today, and he's probably getting the death penalty!! The first suspect, steven hayes, was already sentenced to death a few months back. CHEERS!!! :D:D:D I'm so glad connecticut is one of the sane states that has a death penalty. Unfortunately my state was the first to ban it in 2007. I would say go for a good old fashioned lynching.

    I referred to this case in the human versus animal value thread when a few posters said that any human life has more value than any animal. They would save the life of either of these guys over any animal.

    Lord Blackadder
    Jan 12, 07:17 PM
    I agree that the new design is very bland. I think they know what they are doing. The car companies seem to believe that this type of design will sell the most cars in the U.S. The Hyundai Sonata is a slight break from this mold.

    I don't think the new Jetta and Passat are ugly, but the style is most definitely boring.

    The new Sonata takes a few cues from the Mercedes Benz CLS. Some might all it a bit fussy but it is at least not boring.

    Oct 31, 10:50 AM
    When will a 2 gigglebyte chip ... become available?

    How many laughs can you fit on two giggle bytes? Enough for a G2 talking elmo?

    Apr 28, 05:13 AM
    No surprises here, the majority of people are waiting for the next iPhone.

    Aug 17, 07:35 PM
    Right on the edge - 37,038 bytes :D.