Monday 29 March 2010

Jean Nouvel unveils his plans for the National Museum of Qatar

French architect Jean Nouvel has unveiled his design for the new National Museum of Qatar.

Embodying the pride and traditions of Qatar’s people while offering international visitors a dialogue about rapid change and modernization, the National Museum of Qatar will be the setting for a program in which entire walls become cinematic displays, “sonorous cocoons”, shelter oral-history presentations and hand-held mobile devices guide visitors through thematic displays of the collection’s treasures. Though built around an historic structure, the Fariq Al Salatah Palace, which had served as a museum of heritage since 1975, the National Museum of Qatar is conceived and designed as a thoroughly new institution, in keeping with the high aspirations that animate QMA.

The unstoppable architect has also been selected by the Serpentine Gallery in London to design the next summer pavilion. Let's hope these projects will actually get off of the ground.
Fascinating and beautiful...

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