Because normal aging and the changes that occur during pregnancy, a woman's body is more subject to changes in the tension and the appearance of skin in certain areas than what is common to man. You do not want a nice, pretty, feminine tattoo in a place where most likely be in loose or stretch-marked skin. Not only do potential skin changes make some areas unsuitable, tattoos can draw attention to areas that you might want to be less visible at some point in your life.
Because of this, I recommend that women who are looking for regions considering a tattoo where no dramatic changes in skin tone and flexibility. For example, ankle, shoulder blades, back of neck or lower back region to work well in many cases. Another area where the skin tends to stay relatively firm is the arm, but this region is more popular for masculine as opposed to feminine tattoos.
The area of the navel and the breast area is popular for tattoos feminine, but this place is very susceptible to many changes in the elasticity of the skin due to pregnancy and to some extent, normal aging. Lower abdomen and pubic area can also be prone to sag, then the temporary tattoos in this area can look very sexy, they are probably not the best place from time to time.
Once you decide where, the next step is what. To start, my first recommendation is to NOT get a tattoo of your lover's name anywhere on your body. No matter how well this relationship right now, things can change!
If you are leaning towards designs such as flowers, or a Celtic knot, you basically just choose whatever design you prefer. A little more research is recommended if you plan to use such symbols or Asian language characters that may have a sense that you would prefer not to have permanent ink on your body. Tatooist think just because a particular symbol means something, does not mean he's right. Beautiful Asian characters that you think means "Beautiful One" may actually translate to "Cow Dung". So, be sure to do your own research before getting a tattoo symbols.
Associated with the symbol of all the beauty of a woman lies in a tattoo that he had therefore for the women who make a beautiful tattoo and a good partner that you are stuck ..