Wednesday 29 September 2010

Exclusive interview with Anne Fenninger, Digital Manager, Peugeot

According to Peugeot, what does emotion mean?
This year Peugeot celebrates its 200 years of shared emotions.
Touch, see, smell… the car offers a whole host of sensations. According to Peugeot, emotion is at the centre of the car experience, which can be seen as a unique alliance of skills and emotional intensity.
Driving can be a core issue, a critical base for car values, but Peugeot’s priority is to put emotions back into driving today and tomorrow’s cars.

Is emotion expressed in the design of the cars or rather through the marketing campaign?
Both, emotion is part of the global strategy and it is in the DNA of the company. The SR1 is the most representative car of Peugeot’s style. Cars such as the 508 or the RCZ embody the brand’s new expression, as they combine strong design and emotion with their streamlined, prestigious and dynamic appearance, their quality and interior comfort, their unique drivability, all based on Peugeot’s longstanding expertise.
The emotion is embodied in the automotive experience: we believe it’s the translation of driving pleasure. Emotion is in the campaign strategy too. It is always part of the brief.

Have you ever thought about doing a partnership with a contemporary artist such as Jeff Koons for BMW, or any celebrities?
Peugeot already set this kind of partnerships with a design agency directed by Olivier Saguez: the hall of our headquarters, called the Peugeot Avenue, has been completely redesigned in association with a guest artist, Felice Varini, who worked on the outlook.
Other projects are planned, but they are still confidential at this time.

The new platform is really creative, where does the idea come from?
In 2010, after 200 years of inspiration, we are renewing Peugeot’s style and visual identity, broadening our mobility range and affirming our international ambition.
With this website ( Peugeot is responding through videos and users generated contents to the challenges of the automotive industry through the prism of motion and emotion, in a 3D immersive interface. The idea was to share with the users the strategy of the brand and the changes in an original way. Emotion and motion are at the heart of the strategy. We wanted to have videos so as to showcase movement. Videos are also much more emotional than pictures or text. We also wanted to give a more open-minded image of the brand and give the possibility to the users to share their vision with us. This unique environment is based on 6 emotionally expressive themes (required skills, Environment, Emotions, Movement, Connectivity and Vision). Each theme represents a face of a cube which provides visitors a really fluid navigation combined with a very interactive experience.

Emotion described with three words according to you:
Passion + sensuality + Seduction or hedonism + inspiration + pleasure