Dead or Alive, show presented by the Museum of Arts and Design of New York until October 24, 2010, showcases the work of over 30 international artists - including Jennifer Angus, Nick Cave, Tessa Farmer, Tim Hawkinson, Jochem Hendricks, Damien Hirst - who have used a palette of bizarre materials. They have transformed organic materials and objects that were once produced by or part of living organisms-insects, feathers, bones, silkworm cocoons, plant materials, and hair-to create intricately crafted and designed installations and sculptures. I found this artwork - Landscape by Levi van Veluw - absolutely stunning but unfortunately I won't have a chance to see the exhibition but please let me know if you have seen it and what you think about it !
The exhibition explores a territory related to the Museum of Art and Design's Second Lives: Remixing the Ordinary, which featured contemporary works created from multiples of ordinary manufactured items.
More info on: MAD, New York