Patrick Rochon, worldwide famous artist has agreed to answer my quick interview. Enjoy !
1- How would you describe yourself and how would you describe your art?
Light painting is an interesting form of art different then "traditional"photography because the artist is actively creating by hand in front of the camera instead of being behind looking trough the camera to take a picture.
So as a light painter you are active and add a dimension to photography. Personally I never think as myself as an artist, I'm just a guy who like trying new things and light painting is something I do. I was doing photography in college and heard about light painting so I played with it and saw magic in the result. I thought it was unexpected and intuitive.

2- What other artists, designers, architects do you feel close to?
For inspiration I more and more turn towards nature and meditation. I find nature to have all answers and every influence an artist needs. If you get into the spirit of things and the very essence of nature you discover your greatest teacher.
What I look for in people's art is transformation. I think most artist are exploring and searching but eventually the artist's transformation should come trough and become the viewer's transformation. If the artwork stays with me long after I experiencing it, then it's good art.
3- Why Light ?
We can observe in our modern world specially with technology that light is taking a new form and becoming present in a new way. Lasers are now everywhere in CD, DVD players and other devices. The internet is often connected with fiber optics transmitting data with light. Doctors, scientist, factories, the army are using lights and lasers to operate, cut, communicate...
4- What gallery do you work with?
I'm not working with galleries now but I'm open to do so.
5- Would you consider to do something else if you were not an artist?
You know if I wasn't an artist I would be somewhere in science. I think science is also an important voice in bringing clarity and answers for the human world.
6- Do you consider that "art is alive"?
Let's remember we have a big ball of light keeping us alive just next to the earth. So light becoming an art form, yes. No limits... and yes art is alive very much so.
Like waves in the ocean it comes and goes as an important part of cultures. Like waves in the ocean it comes and goes as an important part of cultures. Like Wade Davis said; "culture comes from imagination" (http://www.ted.com/index.php/talks/wade_davis_on_endangered_cultures.html). We must keep it alive. It is a basic expression of what is is to be human, a manifestation of life.
7- To finish with, what would wish to this blog?
I find the internet an interesting way of spreading information. Blogs are doing a great job at it. I wish for the blog media to keep transforming and improving it self to share and show how interesting life is and that we are an active part of it.

To learn more: http://www.patrickrochon.com/